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Our December got off to a great start with our WI Christmas party night at the Ramside, with great food, music and dancing to the act - Diva Decoded. We also enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch at Springwell Village Community Venue. Finally, our President Elaine presented a cheque for £200 to Daft as a Brush charity, raised by members, along with a card signed by all our members.
In November some of our members enjoyed the Federation Craft Class run by Margaret at Wrekenton. We created some amazing decorations for our Christmas trees and even made small gifts. Big thanks to Margaret for all her hard work! The sweet-toothed among us took up the chance to catch up with The Canny Chocolate company, who spoke at one of our meetings this year. At a workshop we made truffles, chocolate bars, and tasted the best ever hot chocolate! Later in November Gillian Cain from the Federation hosted a Christmas cracker making workshop at our meeting. They were fabulous and glittery, so thank you Gillian. We joined more than 100 WI members from the Federation at the Mother Goose panto at the Customs House in South Shields - what a hoot that was! A great show. And finally to top off our Christmas crafts, we made Christmas gnomes which were so lovely.
As autumn gets well underway we've lots going on at Washington Station WI. Our second supper club took place at Novello's in Washington, with more than half of our members coming along. We heard from Mitch Bridgewater at our monthly meeting. Mitch appeared in the Great British Sewing Bee after learning to sew during Covid. Ladies from across our Federation enjoyed a Festive Small Cakes workshop run by Margaret with special thanks to Katherine from Bowes Belles for all her help in arranging. And finally some of us got together for an evening out at Saba Indian restaurant in Sunderland. Big thanks to Joanne for organising.
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Some of our members enjoyed a lovely trip to Leeds this month. First we went to see the Marks and Spencer Archive based at Leeds University. What a lovely time we had reminiscing! The staff there were lovely and provided complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits. After that we stopped off at Leeds city centre for some retail therapy. At our monthly meeting we welcomed crime author Rob Scragg who shared his journey to being a best selling author. We learned a lot about the world of publishing and writing, and how moments in everyday life can inspire a storyline or book. Thanks Rob for joining us, we enjoyed your talk immensely.
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This month we launched our first ever website (you're reading it now!) and are putting plans in place to keep it updated and fresh. Look out for our committee profiles, coming soon. We enjoyed a lovely Summer Social at our monthly meeting, with card bingo, guess who (featuring photos of us in our younger years) and cakes, washed down by a cuppa. It was really good fun and a very relaxed evening. We also had a great time at our origami Craft Night.

This month we celebrated the milestone of Washington's 60th birthday by reflecting on two momentous visits to our town in 1977: that of President Jimmy Carter and Queen Elizabeth II. Of course, many of us can recall both events, and some joined the crowds to welcome both!
Helping us glance back memory lane was Michael Gough, who recorded parts of both events and shared his recordings with us with a presentation full of creativity and humour. We really enjoyed hearing from him - thank you Michael!
We also joined our sister WIs at our annual Summer Party at Springwell Community Centre, a lovely night filled with fun, friendship, dancing, a fabulous buffet, and a drink or two.
This month we celebrated the milestone of Washington's 60th birthday by reflecting on two momentous visits to our town in 1977: that of President Jimmy Carter and Queen Elizabeth II. Of course, many of us can recall both events, and some joined the crowds to welcome both!
Helping us glance back memory lane was Michael Gough, who recorded parts of both events and shared his recordings with us with a presentation full of creativity and humour. We really enjoyed hearing from him - thank you Michael!
We also joined our sister WIs at our annual Summer Party at Springwell Community Centre, a lovely night filled with fun, friendship, dancing, a fabulous buffet, and a drink or two.

Wow, what a busy June we had! The month started with a trip for some of us to the Women's Institute National AGM, an amazing day with inspirational speakers. At our monthly meeting we learned about cocktail making, and took some tipples home, and we enjoyed some mindful crafting at our regular Craft Class. Our first Supper Club saw 23 of us gather for dinner - a great start to this new initiative.
Many of us braved the rain and took part in the Tyne and Wear Federation's Big Green Walk at Herrington Park. And the popular Springwell 1940s weekend was a huge success. We joined in by helping staff a stand with other WIs to help anyone interested in coming along. And the trip to the Lavender Fields in Yorkshire was a delight, and included a visit to the York shopping outlet.

Our May Meeting was our AGM, and we elected our President for the year: once again it is Elaine Wright - we are delighted that she has accepted! During the meeting we welcomed Nicky and Tina from Ultimate Boutique. Their business focuses on helping women to feel empowered and improve self esteem. We had an opportunity to try on and purchase some of the lovely outfits.

Thanks to Margaret for her crafting inspiration for our April Meeting. We all went home with some beautiful handcrafted flowers, see our pictures below.